

Best rated and cost effective tour plans all over India.

Hire a Car with hotel accomodation for Taj Mahal

We offer detailed itinerary planning including rail/air bookings, car/coach hire and local tranportation and Hotel Accomodation services. We enjoy and offer substantially lower rates for most hotels in India due to our large volume of visitors and special relationships within the hospitality industry.

For the pure experience seeker, we offer a varied range of sight-seeing, monument hopping, historic & cultural tours. Our tour escorts and guides bring alive the local experience with their inbred knowledge and multi-lingual skills.

Our people network and efficient operations infrastructure enable us to manage large scale conferences, conventions & exhibitions.

Detailed Itinerary Planning
Rail / Air Reservation
Hotel Booking
Transportation - Cars and Coaches
Tour Escort
Tourist Guides
Sightseeing Arrangements